Staffing Services

Staffing Solutions

Our staffing services are designed to address any hiring scenario that you may face. Our core service offerings: contract staffing, contract-to-permanent, permanent placement are tailored to best fit the needs of your business. In addition, we closely manage all contract assignments and resources to provide the best value to our clients. Whether your needs are short-term, long-term or permanent, Caremore Staffing has a staffing solution for you.

Contract/Temporary Staffing

Caremore Staffing provides qualified personnel to support your projects for any period of time. This program is ideal for customers with an unpredictable workload, giving you the ability to increase and decrease staff at will. This flexibility, along with the elimination of advertisement, recruitment and screening costs, create a valuable and cost-effective way to meet your staffing demands.

Contract/Temporary to Permanent Hiring

Need a permanent solution without paying a recruitment fee? Caremore Staffing’s Right To Hire service is perfect for you. Right To Hire allows you to evaluate an employee’s performance for a pre-determined period of time. At the end of this time period, the Caremore Staffing employee transfers over to your payroll–with no recruitment fee charged. The average timeframe prior to this transfer is six months; however, we can customize the timeframe to accommodate your needs. The Right To Hire program’s benefits are obvious. While it can be very difficult to gauge an employee’s experience and attitude during an interview, you can get a much clearer picture of whether or not an employee is right for your organization after they have worked for you as a contract employee. This probationary period is a great way to lower your permanent employee turnover. It is also extremely cost-effective when you consider the costs of hiring, training, and dismissing an employee who doesn’t match your requirements.

Permanent/Direct Placement

Hiring a permanent employee can be a costly and time-consuming task. Imagine how much more productive you and your staff could be without the worry of advertising for a position, then sifting through countless resumes to find the top candidates. Caremore Staffing gives you that freedom with the Permanent Placement program. Our Permanent Placement program does the work for you, making it easy to find and select the perfect professional for any position. After gathering your requirements for the position, Caremore Staffing will recruit and pre-screen for the most qualified applicants. We then work closely with you to schedule interviews and coordinate any necessary follow-up. In short, we’ll do all the up-front work for you. You conduct the interviews, and you make the final decision on which candidate to hire. The Permanent Placement program is just one more example of Caremore Staffing helping you work smarter, not harder.